วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Toy Gun

Guns are for shooting projectile weapons. To provide access to target Based on principles of gunpowder to burn gas driving shot from the mouth Lmklgag speeds. Shot from the mouth of the mobile landscape Lmklgag way plane The larger gun such as a mobile artillery used curved path. Guns are a weapon in the body such as carbine shotgun or machine gun is a gun ไรเฟิล weapons installed on vehicles such as artillery tank machine gun for air gun ships or aircraft in a heavy weapons like artillery in the cockpit.

Hand or machine gun cover. (UK: Submachine Gun, SMG) is a gun that works automatically. Tad is manifestly straining a single person can set fire quickly. Hope the fire is not too far distance; Which generally use the machine gun bullet to the hand semi-automatic handgun. Used because of fire fighting hand-to-phase. And a bullet that can pack a load volume of more than handgun Machine gun hand is the world's first machine gun hand it making M. Burke, P. 18's designed by Hugo Schmeisser, German-year since 2459 and opened a production line in May, Fri Power in 2461 by making it cry, Burke (Theodor Bergmann) in the Army stationed in Germany last year-since In 2461, Thailand is popular models are called machine gun hand. Machine gun Blackwell for making it. Used in the decapitation of the Department of Corrections prisoner.

Toy Gun

An Army N16 Assault Rifle

Use this almost 28 inch long N-16 Army Assault Rifle to hold your ground in any battle. Pull the trigger for machine gun sounds (no batteries needed)

from : http://www.411toys.com/

Coolest Ak47 B/o Toy Machine Gun for Kids

from : www.amazon.com/Coolest-Ak47-Toy-Machine-Kids/dp/B0019GXTCU

1 ความคิดเห็น:

demotutorial on 23 สิงหาคม 2553 เวลา 00:27 กล่าวว่า...

I like the look of that first rifle.
air soft guns



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